Signup Deadline: Saturday, July 3
☆ BEACH CITY SPORTS PRESENTS your favorite Coed Beach Volleyball League on Summer weeknights - now with the option of Tuesday OR Thursday night Leagues in Newport Beach! ☆
Beach Volleyball is a way of life in SoCal.... And so we invite you to JOIN US for the Summer Season of Adult weeknight Volleyball in NEWPORT BEACH with both a social & competitive divisions! Registrations OPEN to individuals and teams of all skill levels : Games are played 4×4, rally style scoring to keep the action going and keep the fun factor high. The Summer League offers games on Thursday Evenings (other weeknights also available) on the sand just North of the Balboa Pier in Newport Beach.
On the sand at the Balboa Beach Fire Pits just North of the Balboa Pier (Adams & Newport Balboa Bike Trail)
Thursday Nights June 17th - August 5th (no BYE weeks). Game-times start promptly at 6:15 & 7:10, followed by a 10% discount at both Cruisers Pizza Bar Grill Newport Beach & Balboa Lily's within walking distance.
HOW MUCH: $79 player registration
HOW TO REGISTER : Register on an existing team OR sign up as a 'free agent' and we'll place you on a team the week before the season starts!
✓ Eight (8) week season including playoffs for teams that qualify
✓ Nets, Lines, & Balls provided by the league
✓ Games are Coed 4 vs 4 – Minimum 2 female players required on the field. Teams will play 3 games to 21 rally points with a cap at 25 (Rally Score meaning points can be won serving or receiving)
✓ Two divisions for teams to qualify in : a more-advanced Premier Division, and a more fun-centered Party Division
✓ 4 Professional Photographer weeks to capture all of the action
✓ Registration Fee includes League dry-fit t-shirt (if registered by opening night)
✓ BCS 2021 Virtual Player Perks Card (retail value $25), includes your 20-25% discount before/after the games at many Orange County establishments :
✓ Chance @ Championship Trophy & Individual Medals.
✓ Full rules can be found at:
During the summer season, due to our limited capacity there are NO DISCOUNT CODES available for players on multiple teams or multiple leagues.
➳ Go to to register yourself OR your team for the Summer 2021 Season!
Any questions, comments, suggestions or requests? Please reach out to us anytime at OR call us at (888) 227-5060. "See You Soon on the Sand...!"
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They are your neighborhood community coffee house located in the quaint community of Balboa Village, closeby to the fields. Enjoy 25% off with your VIP card.
Our favorite bar in Newport Beach! The owners & workers here treat BCS like family... Not only will you receive 20% OFF food & drinks anytime (outside of happy hour) with your current VIP card, but also schedule your next party or gathering here and they'll hook you up!
(949) 220-9414
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Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
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These are the accounts with the same email address as your Facebook account ().
If you'd like to use a different account, log into that account using your email (or username) and password, then connect your Facebook account from your Player Page.
*NOTE: In order to keep your site and player info safe, Admin and Staff accounts cannot be linked to Facebook.