Beach City Sports Volleyball Rules



These rules were updated in August 2024 by Summer Session Rules Committee

1. Team Composition

  • All games are co-ed 4 vs. 4
  • minimum of 3 rostered players is required to avoid a forfeit
  • maximum of 2 male players is allowed on the court at any time (3 male players + 1 female is not allowed)

Regular Season Exception:

  • If a team has only 1 female available, they may play with 3 male players only if the opposing team captain agrees
  • If the opposing team does not allow it, only 2 male players may be on the court, and the third male player must act as a substitute


  • Teams may not play with 3 male players and 1 female at any time
  • If this is discovered during a match, that team automatically forfeits. If discovered after the match, the recorded result stands

2. Determining Side or Serve

  • Before the match, captains play rock-paper-scissors to decide:
    • Whether their team serves first OR
    • Which side of the court they start on (not both)
  • If a match goes to a third set, captains play rock-paper-scissors again
  • In the third set, teams switch sides every 5 points to balance sun/wind conditions

3. Serving, Rotation & Substitutions

  • The server may serve from anywhere along the back line within the sidelines
  • The server must keep both feet behind the boundary line until the ball is served
  • Players may serve overhand or underhand
  • A serve that hits the net and continues over is a live ball if it lands inbounds or is played


  • All players must rotate positions
  • Teams cannot have a fixed front or back player


  • Teams must choose one position for substitutions for the entire match
  • If teams sub at the server position, that is the only spot they may sub for the entire match

4. Grace Period & Forfeits

  • 10-minute grace period is allowed for teams to field the required 3 rostered players
  • If a team is still incomplete at 10 minutes, they forfeit the first set
  • If a team is still incomplete at 15 minutes, they forfeit the entire match

5. Courts & Match Format

  • BCS reserves courts at multiple locations but only maintains nets and lines at the Newport Beach site
  • Court dimensions: 60 ft x 30 ft

Match Format:

  • Best 2 out of 3 sets
  • Game 1 & 2: Played to 21 points (win by 2)
  • Game 3 (if necessary): Played to 15 points (win by 2)
  • No point cap, except in Summer Season, when games end at 25 points due to daylight limits
  • Matches must be completed within the 1-hour allotted time

6. Officiating & Fair Play

  • Games are self-officiated by players
  • Players should avoid calling out or penalizing others for minor skill mistakes
  • Captains should agree on foul enforcement before the match begins

Playoff & Championship Games:

  • BCS staff will monitor but not referee matches
  • Staff may settle disputes upon request during Championship matches

7. Playing the Ball

Ball Contact Rules:

  • The ball may touch any part of the body (head to foot), but each contact must be clean and simultaneous
  • The ball must not be held, lifted, pushed, caught, carried, or thrown
  • The ball cannot roll or come to rest on a player’s body

Three Contacts Rule:

  • Teams are allowed 3 contacts to return the ball (exception: blocking does not count as a contact)

Blocking & Attacking Restrictions:

  • Blocking a serve is illegal
  • The front player cannot attack the ball immediately off a serve
  • A ball that is passed on first contact but pushed over by the wind is legal

8. Setting the Ball

  • Open-hand setting off a serve is not allowed
  • Directional setting rule:
    • A set must go straight forward or backward (shoulders perpendicular to net)
    • Intentional redirection is illegal

Spin Rule:

  • Minimal spin is allowed
  • Excessive spin indicates a double-hit and is a fault

9. Net & Court Violations

  • Players may not touch the net while the ball is in play
  • Exceptions:
    • Incidental contact that does not affect the play is not a fault
    • Hair or clothing touching the net is not a violation

Crossing Under the Net:

  • Players may step into the opponent's side if they do not interfere with play

10. Antennas & Boundaries

  • Some courts have antennas on the net
  • Balls must pass between the antennas to be in play
  • If a ball hits an antenna or crosses outside the antenna, it is out of bounds

11. Recording Scores

  • Captains (or a team representative) must record scores on the scoreboard or whiteboard at the BCS tent before leaving the site
  • Scoresheets are available at the tent if captains wish to use them
  • If a score is not recorded, please email ASAP
  • BCS staff may follow up with captains if scores are missing

12. Standings & Playoffs

  • Standings are updated weekly based on winning percentage
  • Tiebreakers are determined in this order:
    • Head-to-head results
    • Set differential (sets won vs. sets lost)
    • Total sets won
    • For three or more tied teams, the system uses point spread differential as the first tiebreaker

Playoff Eligibility:

  • Not all teams qualify; eligibility is based on division size each season
  • Playoffs are single elimination
  • Summer Leagues: Game lengths may be adjusted based on available daylight

13. Volleyball Tournaments

  • Tournament rules may vary from regular league play
  • Captains will be notified beforehand if adjustments are necessary

14. Alcohol Policy

🚨 Drinking in public is illegal in California

  • No alcohol is allowed on beaches or park courts
  • Players found drinking will be asked to leave
  • Refusal to leave may result in team forfeits and further disciplinary action

15. Forfeits

  • A forfeited game is recorded as a 2-0 loss
  • Plan ahead to avoid forfeits!
  • For issues or rescheduling, captains can contact