(Summer) Wednesday Newport Beach Flag Football : Playoffs Start on July 27th!

  • Sport: Flag Football
  • Format: 8x8 Coed Adult Beach Flag Football
  • Locations: Balboa Dunes Fields, Balboa Fire Pit Fields
  • Days of the week: Wednesday
  • Started on : Started on Wednesday, June 8
  • Dates: 6.8, 6.15, 6.22, 6.29, 7.6, 7.13, 7.20, 7.27, 8.3
  • Times: 6:15 PM, 7:10 PM

Signup Deadline: Wednesday, June 22

☆ BEACH CITY SPORTS PRESENTS : Coed Beach Football in Newport Beach on Wednesday nights during the Summer!

This league is open to players of all skill levels. Teams spots are LIMITED due to daylight hours, so register as soon as possible to reserve your spot!

WHEN: Wednesdays June 8th - August 3rd (No BYE weeks this season). Game-times at 6:15 & 7:10PM.

WHERE: On the sand at the Balboa Beach Fire Pits just North of the Balboa Pier (Adams & Newport Balboa Bike Trail)

HOW MUCH: $95 per player (and an additional $3.95 processing fee)

HOW TO REGISTER: Sign up as a full Team, an Individual Player, or a Small Groups of Friends (small groups have one person register first as an "individual", and then invite the rest of your group with their email addresses, so that it "links" your registrations in our system and we know to place you together onto the same team.


✓ 9 week season (7 regular season games and 2 weeks of playoffs for teams that make it)

✓ Games consist of two 20 minute halves and are played coed 8 x 8 (minimum 3 members of either sex required on the field) . Teams divided into two or three divisions to accomodate ALL skill levels

✓ Paid Refs for every game AND Paid Photographer to capture the action

✓ Full rules can be found at: http://beachcitysports.com/football-rules/.

✓ Registration Fee includes a dry fit league t-shirt (only for players registered by opening night) and Player Perks (retail value $25).

✓ NO athletic trainers this season. This is a bonus service (not paid for by the players) that will not be offered during the weeknight summer leagues, but will return in the Fall Season.

✓ After-Party each week at Cruisers Pizza Bar, plan to go out after the games with your team at LEAST once this season (Socializing is the best part of the league)!

✓ Opportunity to take home a Team Championship & Individual Medals/Koozies in each division.

➳ Go to http://www.beachcitysports.com/ to register yourself OR your team for the Summer Season!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Player Review:
“This is by far the best way to meet new people and have a great time. They offer a fun competitive safe environment for all skill levels. It's worth it, just do it.” - Michael S.

THIS LEAGUE WILL SELL OUT : We encourage you to register as soon as possible to reserve your spot!

Any questions, comments, suggestions or requests? Please reach out to us anytime at info@beachcitysports.com OR call us at (888) 227-5060. "See You Soon on the Sand...!"
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  • Golden Keg Division lll

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 18 and Up
    • Team
      • Status: Closed
      • Cost:
      • Team
        $95.00 Total

      (Fee is per player)

    • Individual
  • Pre-Party Division ll

    • Level: Beginner
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 18 and Up
    • Team
      • Status: Closed
      • Cost:
      • Team
        $95.00 Total

      (Fee is per player)

    • Individual
  • Party Division l

    • Level: Intermediate
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 18 and Up
    • Team
      • Status: Closed
      • Cost:
      • Team
        $95.00 Total

      (Fee is per player)

    • Individual